Spark is working to accelerate scientific understanding and action on natural feedbacks and support work to quantify and identify measures to manage greenhouse gas emissions from warming natural systems.
Support the ProgramThere’s evidence that methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide emissions from natural systems are already rising as a result of climate change, driving further warming, and will likely be exacerbated further with every fraction of a degree—yet these dynamics are not yet captured in the climate models that we depend on for projecting future scenarios.
Spark is exploring how we can help to advance our understanding of, and ability to respond to, greenhouse gas emissions from warming natural systems.
Changing temperatures, precipitation patterns, rising sea levels, and other impacts from climate change are further affecting natural systems, such as thawing permafrost and tropical wetlands.
These systems hold large potential for increased greenhouse gas emissions. Understanding the drivers of these natural emissions and how they will evolve under a warming world is critical if we are to return to a safe and stable climate.
Unfortunately, methane concentrations are not only rising, but accelerating. While we don’t currently have a full understanding of the process drivers of these rising emissions, there is a growing body of evidence that part of this trend is driven by elevated natural methane emissions.
The two primary natural systems expected to most significantly increase methane emissions are tropical wetlands and permafrost thaw.
Tropical wetlands systems appear to be emitting more methane as a result of climate-change induced precipitation and temperature changes, driving further warming.
A similar permafrost feedback likely exists in the Arctic where human-induced warming destabilizes permafrost allowing previously trapped carbon in the form of methane and carbon dioxide to enter the atmosphere.
Projected increases in natural emissions have not been accounted for in climate models and scenarios, including IPCC models, therefore likely underestimating expected future warming. This means our modeled mitigation scenarios will likely prove insufficient in reducing warming within given guardrails.
Much of this work centers around addressing geographic gaps in existing methane monitoring and measurement networks.
Doing so will support:
It is imperative that this knowledge comes in addition to aggressively reducing anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.
We are talking to scientific experts in the field, mapping data gaps and research bottlenecks, and identifying areas ripe for support to unlock more rapid progress. Our current areas of focus include natural emissions of methane from the tropics and the Arctic.
We want to hear from you! Do you have ideas of places that need more attention, expert convening, or coordination around warming-induced greenhouse gas emissions? Please reach out. We love all flavors of input.
Contact UsThe Global Methane Budget indicates that ~40% of global methane emissions come from natural sources while the other ~60% come from anthropogenic sources.
Natural sources of methane predominantly come from wetlands, biomass and biofuel burning and other natural sources such as inland waters, geologic sources, oceans, termites, wild animals, permafrost, and vegetation.
Natural methane sources are changing in many different ways. At a high level, permafrost is thawing at a rapid rate due to amplified warming in the Arctic which is triggering significant ecosystem and hydrologic changes which all affect methane emissions. Wetlands are also changing due to elevated warming, changing precipitation patterns and intensities, as well as changes to carbon inputs. These system changes are inherently complicated but the net effect appears to be an increase in natural methane emissions especially in the tropics although the exact mechanism for that elevated release (whether it be increased wetland extent, higher intensity precipitation, or more frequent cycles of plant growth and decomposition) is an active area of research.
While the Arctic serves as a significant source of methane from wetlands, lakes, and thawing permafrost, most of the natural methane emissions comes from the tropics. The strong latitudinal gradient in wetland emissions shows that the largest emissions occur in the tropics where it is wetter and warmer and there is a lot more biological activity.
The tropics are a major source of methane due to elevated temperature and precipitation which results in extensive wetland areas found in this region, which are ideal environments for the production of methane. The warm and moist conditions found in the tropics accelerate both the growth of biomass and its subsequent decomposition, further increasing methane emissions. It is estimated that there is approximately 10 times more methane emitted in the tropics versus the high latitudes.
Rising temperatures are expected to be a primary driver increasing emissions of methane from natural sources such as wetlands. Increased precipitation, expanded wetland extent and thawing permafrost are also all expected to be drivers of elevated methane emissions from natural systems. However there remain large uncertainties over the magnitude and rate of this increase.
Identifying the source of methane or “source attribution” is challenging when methane concentrations are measured from aerial observations like satellites. Isotopic signatures provide something similar to a fingerprint to separate certain categories of methane sources. However due to overlap of some of the source signatures it is difficult to separate methane from a cow versus a wetland.
There are currently not many “solutions” for natural emissions of methane. Because these natural systems are geographically large and diverse and are by definition not “managed” they are not easily amenable to solutions such as land management practices, amendments of methane inhibition, or solutions that target higher concentration sources such as from the oil and gas sectors.
While natural emissions may not be amenable to emission reductions in the same way as anthropogenic emissions, it is important to study and understand the underlying process controls of natural emissions so that we can (1) ensure that natural emissions are adequately represented in global climate models and the IPCC process which will allow us to (2) better predict future emissions and temperature trajectories, and (3) ensure that anthropogenic emission reduction targets are reflective of rising natural emissions.
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