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Problem Statement Repository: Atmospheric Methane Research

Single-atom solid-oxide electrolyzers for efficient removal of atmospheric methane

Atmospheric Methane Research problem statements are shared to build community and knowledge around key challenges to accelerate progress.

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Meenesh Singh (University of Illinois Chicago)

July 15, 2024

Last Updated
July 25, 2024

This problem statement was submitted to the first round of the Exploratory Grants for Atmospheric Methane Research funding opportunity, and isn't endorsed, edited, or corrected by Spark.

Background Information

Solid-oxide electrochemical cells (SOEC) that reduce steam to produce H2 and generate oxygen ions for the oxidation of highly diluted CH4 streams have been proposed [1] and are a potential approach to remove atmospheric methane (see Fig. 1). They have relatively straightforward verifiability but are currently estimated to be too expensive and difficult to scale to impact the atmospheric methane ppm on decadal timelines significantly [2].

The cost is driven by the energy required- (i) to generate the oxygen ions, (ii) to break the methane bond selectively, and (iii) to move the air through the reactor. This cost depends directly on the CH4 conversion and energy efficiency, for which the state-of-the-art is 70% and 80%, respectively, for 1% CH4 feed [1]. For cost-effective atmospheric CH4 oxidation, the SOEC should demonstrate similar (>70%) conversion and efficiency when oxidizing 2 ppm methane. This requires a 5000 times higher turnover frequency (TOF) of the catalyst

Problem Articulation

The lower catalyst selectivity and TOF of CH4 oxidation limit the conversion and efficiency of SOEC for atmospheric CH4 removal. The dependence of selectivity and TOF on the structure of the catalyst and operating conditions is poorly understood; these include structure-activity relationships, air humidity, composition and flow rates, cell voltage, and current.

The primary goal by which success will be measured is the improvement of CH4 TOF, leading to >70% conversion. To do so, design choices will be made based on the quantitative understanding of TOF’s dependence on the variables above.

Furthermore, the production of unintended products (such as CO/CH3OH from partial oxidation [1,2a] and C2H4/C2H6 from oxidative coupling [2b]) should be assessed for different temperatures and voltages. Understanding the factors will be critical to the future acceptability of such a technology. Measuring these unintended products and optimizing SOEC to minimize their production will be a secondary key goal.

Impact Statement

If successful, the understanding of atmospheric methane oxidation would be improved in the following ways:

  • Improved understanding of thermo-electrochemical reactions (and kinetics) relevant to CH4 and O2- reactions and the byproducts produced.
  • A rigorous quantification of the TOF that is required for thermos-electrolytic methane oxidizing reactors to be climate-beneficial and cost-effective for methane removal at atmospheric concentration (2 ppm).
  • The single-atom catalyst design principles developed here can also advance other methane oxidizing reactors, such as hydroxyl radical-based reactors, photolytic reactors, and solid photocatalyst-based reactors that require CH4-selective catalysts with higher TOF.
  • Proposed SOEC technology enables H2 production with atmospheric CH4 removal.

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