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Problem Statement Repository: Atmospheric Methane Research

Research Tool

Atmospheric Methane Research problem statements are shared to build community and knowledge around key challenges to accelerate progress.

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Methods To Express and Screen Soluble Methane Monooxygenase

Submitted by

Paul Reginato,  Calvin Henard,  Lisa Stein, Mary Lidstrom, Jeremy Semrau, Jessica Swanson, Wenyu Gu, James Weltz, Mark Hansen, Paige Brocidiacono, Ariana Caiati, Erin Wilson

Marker species and aerosol formation from chlorine-initiated oxidation in the remote atmosphere

Submitted by

Jesse Kroll (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Ab initio calculation of kinetic isotope effects (KIE) for reaction of CH4 with ▪OH, ▪Cl, and O(1D)– towards improving the constraints for monitoring the atmospheric CH4 cycle

Submitted by

James Farquhar (University of Maryland)

Halogen-Driven Sinks Using a Novel Autonomous Low-Cost Solar Spectrometer Network

Submitted by

Joshua Paul (Butterfly Photonics, Inc.)

Analytical system for CO isotope analysis

Submitted by

Thomas Röckmann (Utrecht University)

Improving heat recovery for thermal oxidation reactors

Submitted by

Will Sawyer (Convivial Earth)

Genetic tools for particulate methane monooxygenase

Submitted by

Paul Reginato, Lisa Stein, Mary Lidstrom, Jeremy Semrau, Jessica Swanson, Wenyu Gu, Noah Helman, James Weltz, Mark Hansen, Paige Brocidiacono, Ariana Caiati, Erin Wilson

Measurement Technologies for Trees

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